Jumat, 25 Desember 2020

Video testimony hemohim for stroke


Stroke patient testimonials

Good afternoon, my name is SAM, had a stroke from 6 months ago and was hospitalized with paralysis in all parts of my right body. On the 8th day hospitalized in the ICU the hospital found a blood clot on the back of my brain. I was hospitalized in ICU for 8 days on day 6 the patient in the same room gave me hemohim where the patient asked me if I wanted to drink? I didn't dare to drink it because I was taking western methods and I was afraid of complications. On the 7th day I saw a patient in the same room as I had a change in his face he looked better so the patient saw him asking the second time if I wanted to take hemohim and I thought there was nothing wrong with trying and the next day I realized that I could move my right thumb, at first I didn't think that Hemohim had gone through his western medicine method and then I could move my little finger and on the 4th day of taking hemohim I could move my toes. Because the patient was transferred to another room, I did not take hemohim, which at the time I still thought that it was still thanks to Western medicine after being hospitalized for 3 weeks I was allowed to go home and when I came home I felt bored and asked my friend for coffee and it turned out that my friend introduced me to hemohim where at that time I immediately bought 1 box with him but because of that new supplement I still took it with doubt (1x day) but after attending the seminar I became more confident and took 3x 1 day and then finally I recovered